"Stay and finish the job or there will be hell to pay. The bad guys will win then."
"If we don't support the war, then we are not supporting the troops!"
"If we educate the people, they will demand withdrawal from the war."
"If we demonstrate and get media attention, people will realize many don't want our sons and daughters killed in a useless war created for a president's ego and personal wealth."
I heard all these ideas and arguments back in the Viet Nam era, and eventually we got out and the'bad guys' won back their country. It was horrible, but no more horrible than the war itself, and I think that applies to Iraq also. The aftermath of the VN war was millions sick and dying from the after effects of Agent Orange, land mines, and other horrific nastiness used during the war.
The longer we are there, the more poisoned and devastated the countryside will become for generations afterwards, if only from the spent Uranium bullets used there. We must work to get those poor enslaved men and women out of that country and back home, for everyone's sake.
The real problem is the Fascist in government. With the bankruptcy, credit card, and vet degrading bills passed by the Fascists, and their control of the media, now they are going after the universities and colleges, with intent upon decreeing the criteria that can be taught in those schools.
Does this remind anyone of what happened in Germany as Hitler came to power? The Dominionist Fascist agenda is apparently much like the NAZI one, and being implemented as we speak. How do we take back America from well entrenched Fascists?
Voting doesn't do it... they control the process as is apparent after the two coups they have pulled off already. Writing congressmen doesn't do it when the left is scared to death of ending up 'disappeared' or worse, their family as hostages for their behavior, (why else are they so quiet and submissive?), and writing to right wingers might well get you on some list of 'malcontents' or 'liberals'.
Signing petitions is a really dumb thing to do in these times. Ready made lists of 'political traitors who don't support Der Leader'...
It can't be taken back violently unless the military sides with the people, which is unlikely as the German Army siding with the anti-Hitler people in Germany,and frankly, all the guns in all the civilian basements are really just a great way to become a military target. The technology of war and 'intelligence' is too developed to fight a revolution. There's no chance of winning. Everything has changed to make revolution in America impossible.
Now we have to find some peaceful way of raising consciousness or sidestepping the issue with the development of new technologies which short circuit the strategies of the Fascists. This is not some neoNazi skinhead group who want to create a new Nazi America... this is a huge group of religious fascists who have more control, power, and resources than any political or religious group in the history of Humanity. Opinion polls are meaningless in the face of such power.
But we could pool our brains and educations and create technology which could indirectly sidestep the old ways of thinking these Dominionist fascists use in their strategy.
An example from India... change the length of a broom handle and increase the time a person can live without back pain, which changes the way they interact with the younger generations, which helps spread wisdom and perspective through the youth. I'm not suggesting that a broom handle is the answer, but there must be technology not thought of which would change everything in ways that brings freedom despite the best efforts of those who are set on taking it away in the name of their illusionary 'God'.
Lest you think I am speaking of the impossible, it was 'impossible' at the beginning of my lifetime to speak around the world on tiny threads of glass and go to the moon and talk to someone on a phone in a car and half a million other technologies which now shape our world.
If not you, who?You got something better to do with your lifetime of experience and wisdom than save the planet?
End of rant.
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