We are here.
We are waking up now, out of the past, to dream a bigger dream.
We are friends and equals, we are diverse and unique,
and we're united for something bigger than our differences.
We believe in freedom and cooperation, abundance and harmony.
We are a culture emerging, a renaissance of the essence of humanity.
We find our own guidance, and we discern our own truth.
We go in many directions, and yet we refuse to disperse.
We have many names, we speak many languages.
We are local, we are global.
We are in all regions of the world, we're everywhere in the air.
We are universe being aware of itself, we are the wave of evolution.
We are in every child's eyes, we face the unknown
with wonder and excitement.
We are messengers from the future, living in the present.
We come from silence, and we speak our truth.
We cannot be quieted, because our voice is within everyone.
We have no enemies, no boundaries can hold us.
We respect the cycles and expressions of nature, because we are nature.
We don't play to win, we play to live and learn.
We act out of inspiration, love and integrity.
We explore, we discover, we feel, and we laugh.
We are building a world that works for everyone.
We endeavor to live our lives to their fullest potential.
We are independent, self-sufficient and responsible.
We relate to each other in peace, with compassion and respect.
We unite in community.
We celebrate the wholeness within and around us all.
We dance to the rhythm of creation.
We weave the threads of the new times.
We are the new civilization.
Written by Flemming Funch
Patriotism is not just bullshit symbols and religious idolatry. It's not about war or evangelists or politicians or flags. It's not about supporting the government or mobsters who take power. It's about concern for all the people and preserving their integrity as Human Beings. and only idiots think any country is separate in it's ultimate fate from anyone else. The Universe defines perfection. The only thing wrong with our planet is that what people believe has no correlation to reality.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
On the Edge of the Millennium
Old Forunner's site. No longer changeable. My email link does not work on that site.
On the Edge of the Millennium (Written in 1999)
Here we sit on the edge of the Millennium. There are 6 billion of us. The ecosystem is rapidly failing under the onslaught of irrational human behavior. The issues of life and death for millions and millions of people is swept under the carpet of politics, religion, and economics. Cardboard issues and dog and pony shows are created and presented to the population of the world to keep our minds occupied as we do the work we have to do to gain permission to breathe, eat, and not die of exposure from those who are insane in their fear and lust for power and status.
Most people in the world know that millions of years ago something killed off the Great Dinosaurs, that in a very brief period of time Life all over the planet was kicked down from abundance to near extinction. Few people have heard that since that time, Life has been kicked down even closer to total extinction twice, both times by vast increases in the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere caused by unknown forces. Now we are willingly creating a vast extinction, even including the releasing of vast amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, in the name of 'economics'.
I sometimes wonder when Humanity will be able to afford to save the planet. As far as I can tell, it is 'economics' which is killing us and 'economics' which is determining our efforts to survive. It is economics which determines what we see, hear, and talk about, where resources go and why, what politicians, "our glorious leaders" do and say, who gets to eat and drink, who lives and who dies, who gets medical help and who does not, and most of all, what is considered 'practical' and 'reasonable'.
We are told that economics is an 'exchange' system, not a 'control' system, yet governments use economics to decide what it can do and what it cannot do, backed up by violence, and corporations use 'economics' to decide what part of the ecosystem is to be sacrificed and what part is not yet economic to sacrifice, backed up by violence.
And yet, 'economics' is a collective invention of the human mind, a conceptual and almost completely arbitrary system of evaluation based upon human opinion. Along with the observably silly concept that the only thing that really exists is human thought, 'economics' decides what humans are going to do, even when faced with horror.
It's like a vast comical self-imposed ordeal where we make up an arbitrary test to determine who lives and who dies, where the test imposes an arbitrary standard for who is 'the best and brightest'... then, in the end, kills everyone off because the inherent values of Nature are so different than the arbitrary values of 'economics' that the world is not livable at the end of the test, which is when the test is forced to be over for lack of test takers.
What a great reward! Get the highest grade and have the honor of being the last of your species dying in a totally destroyed world!
It's not that we don't know the answers that lead to survival amide plenty. We know what we must do to survive, even to live in great prosperity amide an ecologically sound Nature, but even those answers are evaluated in numbers followed by vast fields of zeros, and are not considered 'practical' or 'reasonable' by most people.
Because 'economics' is arbitrarily limited, when we look at the problems and solutions, it appears that there cannot be prosperity and survival at the same time, so Humanity cannot afford to survive. I sometimes wonder how bad it will get before it is 'cost effective' to fix our ways and start doing something about surviving.
Will the air have to be almost unbreathable?
Will naked sunlight have to be deadly from UV before we face our irrationality?
Will most life on the planet have to be extinct before we can 'afford' to start changing our ways despite 'economics'? Or perhaps a few people living in underground cities will continue the game of economics, buying and eating each others bodies, buying air and water, their lives a living hell, until they cannot afford to exist any longer and die off also…
If I thought 'economics' was here to stay, I would not even be trying to save the planet.
But there is more to the world than the arrogance of the tool using species.
It's not like we are an accident, or that there are not forces of synergy to our existance which extends far beyond our egotistical concepts of what is 'practical' and 'reasonable'.
I see no Armageddon in our future, nor wandering tribes of diseased and dying 'scavenger/warriors' living off the rubble of our civilization. And I know one thing for sure, we have all heard the cynics announce 'It will never happen' too many times on major changes and then watched those changes happen anyway in our lives to think human behavior is fixed into irrationality and omnisuicide.
No, I see that what is ubiquitous to us now globally, seemingly so totally powerful as to rival God, which seems total in it's control of every moment of our lives, may well be literally gone in a generation or two, perhaps even sooner.
'Economics' will not survive, and humanity will.
Why do I think that? Because we do know the answers now, and we do want to not only survive but live in an ecologically sound prosperity on a global basis.
We are realizing that war and poverty and social insanity is not 'built in' or here to stay. We are realizing that the old 'solutions' are the cause of the old 'problems' in insane cycles of misery. We know what needs to be changed now and more and more are having the realization that our past systems do not work, are not 'practical' nor 'reasonable', that the real basis of survival is ecology and community, and not force and 'economics'.
It is evident that those conceptual systems which do not reflect the reality of our common world and it's ecosystem's survival will be swept away by the simple expression of billions of people giving those unsurvivable conceptual systems up on their own, out of individual choice, resulting in those people joining others in living free.
Our institutions will not do it.
Our governments will not do it.
Our religious establishments will not do it.
Our militaries will not do it.
Only the people, individually and together, will do it despite the intransigence of all our social entities. And that is as it should be.
We need no loud and bloody revolution, just a quiet and peaceful evolution of mind and the change in behavior that brings in our lives.
We need no fixed philosophy or theology or traditions that all must agree upon, we just need people to realize they have the power to make the choice, so they can dedicate themselves to living together as mutually caring, compassionate equals.
We need no leaders or pundits or gurus, just individuals looking through and past the existing systems which promise much and deliver little to the prosperity and health beyond. It won't be done because of edict or pronouncement, but from the individual's love for their children and their concern for the energy and beauty of Nature, our Outer Self.
The time is coming to end the 'economic' drain, and live the beauty of our Natural existence. We will make it or break it together, omniprosperity or omnisuicide, as we individually decide and from that decision, what we collectively do. I am not a utopian, nor even an optimist... I am a rational pragmatist, looking at the world without bias, and seeing that the answers are known and widespread, and that people are seeing through the insanity, and looking for answers.
On the Edge of the Millennium (Written in 1999)
Here we sit on the edge of the Millennium. There are 6 billion of us. The ecosystem is rapidly failing under the onslaught of irrational human behavior. The issues of life and death for millions and millions of people is swept under the carpet of politics, religion, and economics. Cardboard issues and dog and pony shows are created and presented to the population of the world to keep our minds occupied as we do the work we have to do to gain permission to breathe, eat, and not die of exposure from those who are insane in their fear and lust for power and status.
Most people in the world know that millions of years ago something killed off the Great Dinosaurs, that in a very brief period of time Life all over the planet was kicked down from abundance to near extinction. Few people have heard that since that time, Life has been kicked down even closer to total extinction twice, both times by vast increases in the amount of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere caused by unknown forces. Now we are willingly creating a vast extinction, even including the releasing of vast amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, in the name of 'economics'.
I sometimes wonder when Humanity will be able to afford to save the planet. As far as I can tell, it is 'economics' which is killing us and 'economics' which is determining our efforts to survive. It is economics which determines what we see, hear, and talk about, where resources go and why, what politicians, "our glorious leaders" do and say, who gets to eat and drink, who lives and who dies, who gets medical help and who does not, and most of all, what is considered 'practical' and 'reasonable'.
We are told that economics is an 'exchange' system, not a 'control' system, yet governments use economics to decide what it can do and what it cannot do, backed up by violence, and corporations use 'economics' to decide what part of the ecosystem is to be sacrificed and what part is not yet economic to sacrifice, backed up by violence.
And yet, 'economics' is a collective invention of the human mind, a conceptual and almost completely arbitrary system of evaluation based upon human opinion. Along with the observably silly concept that the only thing that really exists is human thought, 'economics' decides what humans are going to do, even when faced with horror.
It's like a vast comical self-imposed ordeal where we make up an arbitrary test to determine who lives and who dies, where the test imposes an arbitrary standard for who is 'the best and brightest'... then, in the end, kills everyone off because the inherent values of Nature are so different than the arbitrary values of 'economics' that the world is not livable at the end of the test, which is when the test is forced to be over for lack of test takers.
What a great reward! Get the highest grade and have the honor of being the last of your species dying in a totally destroyed world!
It's not that we don't know the answers that lead to survival amide plenty. We know what we must do to survive, even to live in great prosperity amide an ecologically sound Nature, but even those answers are evaluated in numbers followed by vast fields of zeros, and are not considered 'practical' or 'reasonable' by most people.
Because 'economics' is arbitrarily limited, when we look at the problems and solutions, it appears that there cannot be prosperity and survival at the same time, so Humanity cannot afford to survive. I sometimes wonder how bad it will get before it is 'cost effective' to fix our ways and start doing something about surviving.
Will the air have to be almost unbreathable?
Will naked sunlight have to be deadly from UV before we face our irrationality?
Will most life on the planet have to be extinct before we can 'afford' to start changing our ways despite 'economics'? Or perhaps a few people living in underground cities will continue the game of economics, buying and eating each others bodies, buying air and water, their lives a living hell, until they cannot afford to exist any longer and die off also…
If I thought 'economics' was here to stay, I would not even be trying to save the planet.
But there is more to the world than the arrogance of the tool using species.
It's not like we are an accident, or that there are not forces of synergy to our existance which extends far beyond our egotistical concepts of what is 'practical' and 'reasonable'.
I see no Armageddon in our future, nor wandering tribes of diseased and dying 'scavenger/warriors' living off the rubble of our civilization. And I know one thing for sure, we have all heard the cynics announce 'It will never happen' too many times on major changes and then watched those changes happen anyway in our lives to think human behavior is fixed into irrationality and omnisuicide.
No, I see that what is ubiquitous to us now globally, seemingly so totally powerful as to rival God, which seems total in it's control of every moment of our lives, may well be literally gone in a generation or two, perhaps even sooner.
'Economics' will not survive, and humanity will.
Why do I think that? Because we do know the answers now, and we do want to not only survive but live in an ecologically sound prosperity on a global basis.
We are realizing that war and poverty and social insanity is not 'built in' or here to stay. We are realizing that the old 'solutions' are the cause of the old 'problems' in insane cycles of misery. We know what needs to be changed now and more and more are having the realization that our past systems do not work, are not 'practical' nor 'reasonable', that the real basis of survival is ecology and community, and not force and 'economics'.
It is evident that those conceptual systems which do not reflect the reality of our common world and it's ecosystem's survival will be swept away by the simple expression of billions of people giving those unsurvivable conceptual systems up on their own, out of individual choice, resulting in those people joining others in living free.
Our institutions will not do it.
Our governments will not do it.
Our religious establishments will not do it.
Our militaries will not do it.
Only the people, individually and together, will do it despite the intransigence of all our social entities. And that is as it should be.
We need no loud and bloody revolution, just a quiet and peaceful evolution of mind and the change in behavior that brings in our lives.
We need no fixed philosophy or theology or traditions that all must agree upon, we just need people to realize they have the power to make the choice, so they can dedicate themselves to living together as mutually caring, compassionate equals.
We need no leaders or pundits or gurus, just individuals looking through and past the existing systems which promise much and deliver little to the prosperity and health beyond. It won't be done because of edict or pronouncement, but from the individual's love for their children and their concern for the energy and beauty of Nature, our Outer Self.
The time is coming to end the 'economic' drain, and live the beauty of our Natural existence. We will make it or break it together, omniprosperity or omnisuicide, as we individually decide and from that decision, what we collectively do. I am not a utopian, nor even an optimist... I am a rational pragmatist, looking at the world without bias, and seeing that the answers are known and widespread, and that people are seeing through the insanity, and looking for answers.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Bottom Line: Slavery
This is specifically a political blog entry:
I study people's views. I try to understand where people are coming from when they put out their opinions.
Over the years, it became obvious to me that all the political parties/philosophies had the same basis, the same bottom line, and all were bickering only about what was above that bottom line.
And that bottom line is the money system.
The Left wing sees the use of money as an unequal system of control which would work if it had a balancing factor.
The Right wing sees money as freedom and basically a merit system, where those who can get the most are superior to those who fail to get lots of it.
The Left wants to take away the aspects of the system which imposes draconion economic conditions on people who are not the winners of the system.
The Right wants to let the economic system rule itself, so the winners of the system can do what they like to the losers in the system.
Both talk about freedom like the other is trying to take it away from everyone. And I think that is true, basically because they cannot see the reality of life. They both assume that the money system is inherent in life and will always be inherent in life.
So, from my perspective, the Left wants to set up a Social Fascism.
The Right wants to set up an Economic Fascism.
Neither has the slightest clue what Freedom is.
To me, it's like two slaves, locked in chains, are arguing about what they can reach despite their chains. They are arguing about what direction they should stretch their legs out to reach farther, left or right.
They are both arguing that they are freer if they stretch their legs out in their favorite directions.
And they are so insane about it, both are afraid the other will kill him. So they rage and scream and threaten each other.
Meanwhile, the slave master watches, glad the two slaves are so occupied with their raging argument that they don't notice that if they worked together, they could take the chains off and really be free. That is the slave master's worse nightmare.
And the slave master is also chained, although his chains is made of gold plated steel. And the slave master is as chained as they are, not realizing if he freed the two slaves and all three of them worked together, they would all be freer than they are now, far far freer. They might even break out of their prison into the sunlight.
They are all so utterly naive!
And the prison is going to eventually collapse on their head. The walls are cracking, the roof sinking in, the pillars flaking under the stress. They know this, but they ignore it. They can't even imagine the prison collapsing. That is so sad!
I study people's views. I try to understand where people are coming from when they put out their opinions.
Over the years, it became obvious to me that all the political parties/philosophies had the same basis, the same bottom line, and all were bickering only about what was above that bottom line.
And that bottom line is the money system.
The Left wing sees the use of money as an unequal system of control which would work if it had a balancing factor.
The Right wing sees money as freedom and basically a merit system, where those who can get the most are superior to those who fail to get lots of it.
The Left wants to take away the aspects of the system which imposes draconion economic conditions on people who are not the winners of the system.
The Right wants to let the economic system rule itself, so the winners of the system can do what they like to the losers in the system.
Both talk about freedom like the other is trying to take it away from everyone. And I think that is true, basically because they cannot see the reality of life. They both assume that the money system is inherent in life and will always be inherent in life.
So, from my perspective, the Left wants to set up a Social Fascism.
The Right wants to set up an Economic Fascism.
Neither has the slightest clue what Freedom is.
To me, it's like two slaves, locked in chains, are arguing about what they can reach despite their chains. They are arguing about what direction they should stretch their legs out to reach farther, left or right.
They are both arguing that they are freer if they stretch their legs out in their favorite directions.
And they are so insane about it, both are afraid the other will kill him. So they rage and scream and threaten each other.
Meanwhile, the slave master watches, glad the two slaves are so occupied with their raging argument that they don't notice that if they worked together, they could take the chains off and really be free. That is the slave master's worse nightmare.
And the slave master is also chained, although his chains is made of gold plated steel. And the slave master is as chained as they are, not realizing if he freed the two slaves and all three of them worked together, they would all be freer than they are now, far far freer. They might even break out of their prison into the sunlight.
They are all so utterly naive!
And the prison is going to eventually collapse on their head. The walls are cracking, the roof sinking in, the pillars flaking under the stress. They know this, but they ignore it. They can't even imagine the prison collapsing. That is so sad!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
The Zeitgeist Movement
I have long said on my blogs, my elists, and in emails to all kinds of people, that a Transformation was coming, was in the near future, that without it the Human species would destroy itself, either directly through weaponry, or through destroying the environment we rely 100% upon, and now I see the beginnings of that Transformation.
It's never been that I'm specifically 'Anti-' anything. It's been that all the existing systems are so destructive that despite the massive advances of technology and wealth that has been generated by the people of the world, these systems are capable of destroying us all... and will if we don't find better ways to doing things. The existing systems are, in their fantasy beliefs, conclusions, and practices, suicidal. In modern times, they are lumped together in a philosophy called 'Social Darwinism', which is the basis for Capitalism and nationalism and militarism.
I have railed about the misuse of technology, seeing that it all comes from Nature, through innovative use of natural forces, yet the social systems are made up of whole cloth, with no natural forces involved other than symbols which cause abuse of people's energy, attention, and enterprise, for the control of a tiny few. Not to mention the sacrifice of others lives on a scale far greater than the famous genocides in the past.
And it's quickly seen as the result of the perception of 'scarcity', the idea that everything comes from people, that everything is scarce, and that the system elevates the 'superior' people to get what is scarce. Such arrogance is a matter of ignoring everything that points to Nature as the real source of everything. Paying attention to nature reveals the illusion of the belief in scarcity as well as the belief in 'superiority'. We are all really equal, and we all have the same needs and requirements for life, the same curiosities, drive for knowledge, and search for happiness. We are all part of, one with, the same nature.
And the choice is not 'what do we want' anymore... it's what do we HAVE to do, to believe, to act upon, to survive.
The misapplied use of Darwin's theories, that 'Only The Strong Survive' started to fade when people found out that the Dinosaurs, the largest, strongest, creatures in the history of the world, did not survive. They died out because of events they could do nothing whatsoever about. Strength alone is not enough. And conveniently ignored by the Social Darwinist, Darwin himself said it.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” -Charles Darwin
Science and philosophy changed... they realized the true Law of Nature is 'Adapt or die'. Yet the large ancient social systems of competition, which is incredibly wasteful and destructive, did not change. They still think 'superior' people are filtered by the system so the best to rule do the ruling. The Winners win.
And the result is suicidal. The result is a ruling class that thinks the resources are infinite and if they make a profit, anything they do is right.
So along comes:
[tsahyt-gahyst] –noun German.
the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time.
Now, there is a new dynamic arising...
The Zeitgeist Movement
This movement, or some effort just like it, will usher in the Transformation.
The Goal:
I will list not what it will end, but what it will provide:
And since the first thought you will have reading this is 'this is just another utopian dream', let me remind you that 'utopa' means 'no place'... That is, Humanity loves problems, and will create quite enough to please anyone who like solving them, but they need not be global, or kill people en mass like the problems now.
No, it will not be a fantasy utopia.
The existant cultural belief is that Human Nature is inherently evil, lazy, selfish, and competitive. 'Evil' comes from the dogma of religions that want people to think they are evil until they obey the religion, and also the horrific actions of small numbers of people in insanely slaughtering other people. 'Lazy' comes from slave owners saying their slaves are 'lazy' because they don't work hard enough for their Master's benefit. Selfish comes from those who are fearful of not having enough. The Transformation alleviates that condition. And certainly, the generosity of the people of the world belies that assumption.
'Human Nature' is every way people can be, not some horrific nasty definition that says humans are naturally evil or competitive or selfish. Thanks to the Internet, we know now that the vast majority of people on the planet volunteer some of their time and effort to help others, in large social and small personal ways.
So please, listen to the site's video, although it is long and educational, for the most important aspects of the future are not going to be 'sound bites' and 'cliches' and they will require your self-education, participation, and agreement.
The question is, do you want a better world for your children and grandchildren?
I will leave you with another quote from R. Buckminster Fuller:
It's never been that I'm specifically 'Anti-' anything. It's been that all the existing systems are so destructive that despite the massive advances of technology and wealth that has been generated by the people of the world, these systems are capable of destroying us all... and will if we don't find better ways to doing things. The existing systems are, in their fantasy beliefs, conclusions, and practices, suicidal. In modern times, they are lumped together in a philosophy called 'Social Darwinism', which is the basis for Capitalism and nationalism and militarism.
I have railed about the misuse of technology, seeing that it all comes from Nature, through innovative use of natural forces, yet the social systems are made up of whole cloth, with no natural forces involved other than symbols which cause abuse of people's energy, attention, and enterprise, for the control of a tiny few. Not to mention the sacrifice of others lives on a scale far greater than the famous genocides in the past.
And it's quickly seen as the result of the perception of 'scarcity', the idea that everything comes from people, that everything is scarce, and that the system elevates the 'superior' people to get what is scarce. Such arrogance is a matter of ignoring everything that points to Nature as the real source of everything. Paying attention to nature reveals the illusion of the belief in scarcity as well as the belief in 'superiority'. We are all really equal, and we all have the same needs and requirements for life, the same curiosities, drive for knowledge, and search for happiness. We are all part of, one with, the same nature.
And the choice is not 'what do we want' anymore... it's what do we HAVE to do, to believe, to act upon, to survive.
The misapplied use of Darwin's theories, that 'Only The Strong Survive' started to fade when people found out that the Dinosaurs, the largest, strongest, creatures in the history of the world, did not survive. They died out because of events they could do nothing whatsoever about. Strength alone is not enough. And conveniently ignored by the Social Darwinist, Darwin himself said it.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” -Charles Darwin
Science and philosophy changed... they realized the true Law of Nature is 'Adapt or die'. Yet the large ancient social systems of competition, which is incredibly wasteful and destructive, did not change. They still think 'superior' people are filtered by the system so the best to rule do the ruling. The Winners win.
And the result is suicidal. The result is a ruling class that thinks the resources are infinite and if they make a profit, anything they do is right.
So along comes:
[tsahyt-gahyst] –noun German.
the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time.
Now, there is a new dynamic arising...
The Zeitgeist Movement
This movement, or some effort just like it, will usher in the Transformation.
The Goal:
I will list not what it will end, but what it will provide:
- You will be able to order and use anything you wish without working for it.
- You will be able to do anything you wish without having to obey someone who pays you money to live on or 'support' your family.
- You will live in an unpolluted environment that is sustainable.
- You will have unlimited time with your family, along with whatever help you need to have good relationships with your family.
- You will be able to travel anywhere in the world easily and comfortably.
- You will be able to follow your interests and fully commit to creating anything you wish to do.
- There will be very little fear in your life, and almost no crime in the world. Most crime is caused by the existing systems.
- There will be no war or terrorism.
- Without the stress of the existing systems, most people will be nicer and friendlier.
- You will have a level of freedom that has never existed in the world before.
- And you can be assured that your children and their children will live with the same security, wealth access, and beauty you have in a clean and sustainable environment of freedom.
And since the first thought you will have reading this is 'this is just another utopian dream', let me remind you that 'utopa' means 'no place'... That is, Humanity loves problems, and will create quite enough to please anyone who like solving them, but they need not be global, or kill people en mass like the problems now.
No, it will not be a fantasy utopia.
The existant cultural belief is that Human Nature is inherently evil, lazy, selfish, and competitive. 'Evil' comes from the dogma of religions that want people to think they are evil until they obey the religion, and also the horrific actions of small numbers of people in insanely slaughtering other people. 'Lazy' comes from slave owners saying their slaves are 'lazy' because they don't work hard enough for their Master's benefit. Selfish comes from those who are fearful of not having enough. The Transformation alleviates that condition. And certainly, the generosity of the people of the world belies that assumption.
'Human Nature' is every way people can be, not some horrific nasty definition that says humans are naturally evil or competitive or selfish. Thanks to the Internet, we know now that the vast majority of people on the planet volunteer some of their time and effort to help others, in large social and small personal ways.
So please, listen to the site's video, although it is long and educational, for the most important aspects of the future are not going to be 'sound bites' and 'cliches' and they will require your self-education, participation, and agreement.
"It is the integrity of each individual human that is in final examination. On personal integrity hangs humanity's fate. You can deceive others, you can deceive your brain-self, but you can't deceive your mind-self — for mind deals only in the discovery of truth and the interrelationship of all truths. The cosmic laws with which mind deals are incorruptible."
"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims."
-R. Buckminster Fuller
The question is, do you want a better world for your children and grandchildren?
I will leave you with another quote from R. Buckminster Fuller:
"Something hit me very hard once, thinking about what one little man could do. Think of the Queen Mary — the whole ship goes by and then comes the rudder. And there's a tiny thing at the edge of the rudder called a trimtab.
It's a miniature rudder. Just moving the little trim tab builds a low pressure that pulls the rudder around. Takes almost no effort at all. So I said that the little individual can be a trimtab. Society thinks it's going right by you, that it's left you altogether. But if you're doing dynamic things mentally, the fact is that you can just put your foot out like that and the whole big ship of state is going to go.
So I said, call me Trimtab."
Friday, April 03, 2009
The Corruption of Capitolism
Consider the possibility that nothing you read in the news about the 'Financial Disaster' is true, including the terms they use to describe it.
First, let's propose that a bunch of rich aristocrats with a 'winner/loser' paradigm decide they have an opportunity to gut the government, to them, it's a Game and money is a scorecard.
Their common subcultural worldview says that if someone is weak, then the strong should gut them. It's a form of 'Social Darwinism' common among those with the 'winner/loser' paradigm. On lower social scales, it's expressed as 'if you have an opportunity to gain, regardless of morality, then you seize that opportunity ---which means if someone who thinks in these terms walks by something they could steal, and they can get away with it, they will steal it, even if they have no use for it, and no other gain will occur. The act is enough thrill for them. They feel like 'winners'.
So these rich aristocrats see an opportunity to gut the government, steal more money than most people can imagine. To do this, they need to use the 'weaknesses' of the voting system to put the right gang of thieves into the White House. They rig the election, and in a coup, and with the help of other bought and paid for servants in the government, they set a very dumb rich guy as President and a conniving member of their own group in as Vice President.
There is a social algorithm in place in the world that says... if your country is at war, you support that war without question, and any words said against it is traitorous and the sayer should be killed or at least locked up and gagged. This algorythem, which goes back thousands of years in our global culture, is a perfect way to distract the population from noticing what is actually going on, as well as a great justification for hiding things under the guise of 'National Security'.
By going to war, those who set out to gut the American Government could do anything, and distract the population from even noticing as they did it. To get the people into the right frame of mind to accept the social algorithm of War needed something dramatic, something that would make every person feel personal fear.
What do you think that was? lol
So... War was declared. The justification for war could be literally anything. They could lie and get away with it, or just point to something they could define as horrible, and the people, their minds locked in the 'war' mode, would not question it. The instilled fear, amplified through the media the 'Aristocrats' owned, closed down the ability for most people to even think about anything but the War... when the common person has a moment to actually think about anything but making money, that is..
The war was great... the Aristocrats took the oil without anyone in power being aware of it, storing it away somewhere for future leverage in the Game. The War, and the death of the soldiers, who the Aristocrats don't care about, kept everyone's minds away from the question... 'who is getting the oil and the money in the War?'
Then the four year window of opportunity drew to a close. Enough people had started seeing through the Game despite the Aristocrat owned media that they could not hide their ill-gotten blood money very much longer. They needed another distraction, especially when they realized they could not rig the next election because everyone was looking hard at the process. They have bought and paid for Presidents, Kings, and suchlike for millennia, but conditions have changed, it's not so easy anymore.
Meanwhile, the executives in the corporations who were the tools of much of the theft of oil and money needed to be given what they were promised. They were to be elevated to the status of Aristocrats, which those executives thought was a matter of money... although it is not. So they set up the 'Financial Crisis', both to keep everyone's minds on that issue, and to hide their big Game in the controversy.
The way they did it was ingenuous... they managed to set up the system to collapse unless the government gave it the Treasury. Then, from that money, with no conditions on it, they paid off the executives that helped them, AND handicapped the new President from really seeing what had gone on.
They don't really care now if the War continues or not, and they don't care if millions are hurt by it. To them, everyone who loses in the Game are Losers and deserve what they get. It's a holdover from the 'Trial By Combat' ancient morality, which is still the basis of the modern 'winner/loser' paradigm and capitalism itself.
But this is not the middle ages. This is not royalty vs peasants. The reason the royalty gave up the whole system back then was because peasants were very hard to control. There were far more rebellions under that royalty system than there are 'strikes' now, and far less aristocrats are strung up by the neck by mobs.
They have, I hope, radicalized the people of the world into thinking in new terms...
Slowly, alternatives to capitalistic insanity is coming into focus. Unlike all previous 'isms', the new alternatives are not based upon the old categories and have a far better chance of generating sanity in the Human species.
It important to realize that capitalism, the use of symbols to control everyone's efforts, is a filter system for allowing psychopaths and 'winners' to rise to the top, to control the world if possible. They need no concentration camps, no police state, they need only the money system, and if they want to get rid of people and populations, they make sure they starve. Money, backed by organized men with guns, is the basis of power in the modern world because it can control what people decide to do in all aspects of their lives. For the 'Aristocrats', it was a perfect means of world control. Much better than Fascism or Communism or any other system.
Unfortunately for them, science is constantly finding that the system is fundamentally flawed. Despite their claims, it creates inefficiency on a level never seen before, and creates illusionist results. It cannot take into account what does not fit it, nor adapt to new conditions, so Humanity is facing it's own demise at the largest levels, created by the expedience created only by economics.
First, let's propose that a bunch of rich aristocrats with a 'winner/loser' paradigm decide they have an opportunity to gut the government, to them, it's a Game and money is a scorecard.
Their common subcultural worldview says that if someone is weak, then the strong should gut them. It's a form of 'Social Darwinism' common among those with the 'winner/loser' paradigm. On lower social scales, it's expressed as 'if you have an opportunity to gain, regardless of morality, then you seize that opportunity ---which means if someone who thinks in these terms walks by something they could steal, and they can get away with it, they will steal it, even if they have no use for it, and no other gain will occur. The act is enough thrill for them. They feel like 'winners'.
So these rich aristocrats see an opportunity to gut the government, steal more money than most people can imagine. To do this, they need to use the 'weaknesses' of the voting system to put the right gang of thieves into the White House. They rig the election, and in a coup, and with the help of other bought and paid for servants in the government, they set a very dumb rich guy as President and a conniving member of their own group in as Vice President.
There is a social algorithm in place in the world that says... if your country is at war, you support that war without question, and any words said against it is traitorous and the sayer should be killed or at least locked up and gagged. This algorythem, which goes back thousands of years in our global culture, is a perfect way to distract the population from noticing what is actually going on, as well as a great justification for hiding things under the guise of 'National Security'.
By going to war, those who set out to gut the American Government could do anything, and distract the population from even noticing as they did it. To get the people into the right frame of mind to accept the social algorithm of War needed something dramatic, something that would make every person feel personal fear.
What do you think that was? lol
So... War was declared. The justification for war could be literally anything. They could lie and get away with it, or just point to something they could define as horrible, and the people, their minds locked in the 'war' mode, would not question it. The instilled fear, amplified through the media the 'Aristocrats' owned, closed down the ability for most people to even think about anything but the War... when the common person has a moment to actually think about anything but making money, that is..
The war was great... the Aristocrats took the oil without anyone in power being aware of it, storing it away somewhere for future leverage in the Game. The War, and the death of the soldiers, who the Aristocrats don't care about, kept everyone's minds away from the question... 'who is getting the oil and the money in the War?'
Then the four year window of opportunity drew to a close. Enough people had started seeing through the Game despite the Aristocrat owned media that they could not hide their ill-gotten blood money very much longer. They needed another distraction, especially when they realized they could not rig the next election because everyone was looking hard at the process. They have bought and paid for Presidents, Kings, and suchlike for millennia, but conditions have changed, it's not so easy anymore.
Meanwhile, the executives in the corporations who were the tools of much of the theft of oil and money needed to be given what they were promised. They were to be elevated to the status of Aristocrats, which those executives thought was a matter of money... although it is not. So they set up the 'Financial Crisis', both to keep everyone's minds on that issue, and to hide their big Game in the controversy.
The way they did it was ingenuous... they managed to set up the system to collapse unless the government gave it the Treasury. Then, from that money, with no conditions on it, they paid off the executives that helped them, AND handicapped the new President from really seeing what had gone on.
They don't really care now if the War continues or not, and they don't care if millions are hurt by it. To them, everyone who loses in the Game are Losers and deserve what they get. It's a holdover from the 'Trial By Combat' ancient morality, which is still the basis of the modern 'winner/loser' paradigm and capitalism itself.
But this is not the middle ages. This is not royalty vs peasants. The reason the royalty gave up the whole system back then was because peasants were very hard to control. There were far more rebellions under that royalty system than there are 'strikes' now, and far less aristocrats are strung up by the neck by mobs.
They have, I hope, radicalized the people of the world into thinking in new terms...
Slowly, alternatives to capitalistic insanity is coming into focus. Unlike all previous 'isms', the new alternatives are not based upon the old categories and have a far better chance of generating sanity in the Human species.
It important to realize that capitalism, the use of symbols to control everyone's efforts, is a filter system for allowing psychopaths and 'winners' to rise to the top, to control the world if possible. They need no concentration camps, no police state, they need only the money system, and if they want to get rid of people and populations, they make sure they starve. Money, backed by organized men with guns, is the basis of power in the modern world because it can control what people decide to do in all aspects of their lives. For the 'Aristocrats', it was a perfect means of world control. Much better than Fascism or Communism or any other system.
Unfortunately for them, science is constantly finding that the system is fundamentally flawed. Despite their claims, it creates inefficiency on a level never seen before, and creates illusionist results. It cannot take into account what does not fit it, nor adapt to new conditions, so Humanity is facing it's own demise at the largest levels, created by the expedience created only by economics.
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Economic Reaming Impoverishes America
Obama should call a press conference and say,
"The Republicans have refused to support this bailout bill. They want more tax cuts
for the super-rich but that kind of thinking is what got us into this mess in the first place. Republicans caused this financial meltdown and now they are blocking efforts to fix it. If you lose your job or your home, remember that the Republicans are responsible."
But no - he wants to be nice.
But I will say it! The Repugs have been looting America, and now they want to delay fixing anything until the last dollar they can get is stolen from the Government. I am ashamed that a philosophy (fairy tale) like that can be accepted by so many of my fellow countrymen. In the last days of the Bush Fiasco, the Repugs made huge 'bailouts' to the ultra rich, without any attempt to hold the recipients accountable for what they did with that money. Their goals and methods were obvious to anyone who was not seeing things through the 'republican' rosy glasses, and the results are just as obvious. Which makes their behavior now also obvious. May the leadership of the Repugs burn in hell for their greed and avarice. And may the so called Democrats 'Leaders' also face the horror of their blind acceptance of the Great American Theft.
"The Republicans have refused to support this bailout bill. They want more tax cuts
for the super-rich but that kind of thinking is what got us into this mess in the first place. Republicans caused this financial meltdown and now they are blocking efforts to fix it. If you lose your job or your home, remember that the Republicans are responsible."
But no - he wants to be nice.
But I will say it! The Repugs have been looting America, and now they want to delay fixing anything until the last dollar they can get is stolen from the Government. I am ashamed that a philosophy (fairy tale) like that can be accepted by so many of my fellow countrymen. In the last days of the Bush Fiasco, the Repugs made huge 'bailouts' to the ultra rich, without any attempt to hold the recipients accountable for what they did with that money. Their goals and methods were obvious to anyone who was not seeing things through the 'republican' rosy glasses, and the results are just as obvious. Which makes their behavior now also obvious. May the leadership of the Repugs burn in hell for their greed and avarice. And may the so called Democrats 'Leaders' also face the horror of their blind acceptance of the Great American Theft.
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About Me

- Roan Carratu
- I dedicated myself to saving the planet back in 1958,after an imaginative vision of the world destroyed by nuclear war. In my 10 year old mind, it made everything I was ever taught suspect, and I vowed to find out what was really true, knowing that only the truth, defined by Universe, would lead to the survival of Humanity and our ecosystem. Despite being sick for more than 15 years, I remain dedicated to that vision and the realizations I had because of it many times in my life. I know what we have to do, but getting people to think about it is very difficult indeed. I continue to try, for what else are our lives for?