Consider the possibility that nothing you read in the news about the 'Financial Disaster' is true, including the terms they use to describe it.
First, let's propose that a bunch of rich aristocrats with a 'winner/loser' paradigm decide they have an opportunity to gut the government, to them, it's a Game and money is a scorecard.
Their common subcultural worldview says that if someone is weak, then the strong should gut them. It's a form of 'Social Darwinism' common among those with the 'winner/loser' paradigm. On lower social scales, it's expressed as 'if you have an opportunity to gain, regardless of morality, then you seize that opportunity ---which means if someone who thinks in these terms walks by something they could steal, and they can get away with it, they will steal it, even if they have no use for it, and no other gain will occur. The act is enough thrill for them. They feel like 'winners'.
So these rich aristocrats see an opportunity to gut the government, steal more money than most people can imagine. To do this, they need to use the 'weaknesses' of the voting system to put the right gang of thieves into the White House. They rig the election, and in a coup, and with the help of other bought and paid for servants in the government, they set a very dumb rich guy as President and a conniving member of their own group in as Vice President.
There is a social algorithm in place in the world that says... if your country is at war, you support that war without question, and any words said against it is traitorous and the sayer should be killed or at least locked up and gagged. This algorythem, which goes back thousands of years in our global culture, is a perfect way to distract the population from noticing what is actually going on, as well as a great justification for hiding things under the guise of 'National Security'.
By going to war, those who set out to gut the American Government could do anything, and distract the population from even noticing as they did it. To get the people into the right frame of mind to accept the social algorithm of War needed something dramatic, something that would make every person feel personal fear.
What do you think that was? lol
So... War was declared. The justification for war could be literally anything. They could lie and get away with it, or just point to something they could define as horrible, and the people, their minds locked in the 'war' mode, would not question it. The instilled fear, amplified through the media the 'Aristocrats' owned, closed down the ability for most people to even think about anything but the War... when the common person has a moment to actually think about anything but making money, that is..
The war was great... the Aristocrats took the oil without anyone in power being aware of it, storing it away somewhere for future leverage in the Game. The War, and the death of the soldiers, who the Aristocrats don't care about, kept everyone's minds away from the question... 'who is getting the oil and the money in the War?'
Then the four year window of opportunity drew to a close. Enough people had started seeing through the Game despite the Aristocrat owned media that they could not hide their ill-gotten blood money very much longer. They needed another distraction, especially when they realized they could not rig the next election because everyone was looking hard at the process. They have bought and paid for Presidents, Kings, and suchlike for millennia, but conditions have changed, it's not so easy anymore.
Meanwhile, the executives in the corporations who were the tools of much of the theft of oil and money needed to be given what they were promised. They were to be elevated to the status of Aristocrats, which those executives thought was a matter of money... although it is not. So they set up the 'Financial Crisis', both to keep everyone's minds on that issue, and to hide their big Game in the controversy.
The way they did it was ingenuous... they managed to set up the system to collapse unless the government gave it the Treasury. Then, from that money, with no conditions on it, they paid off the executives that helped them, AND handicapped the new President from really seeing what had gone on.
They don't really care now if the War continues or not, and they don't care if millions are hurt by it. To them, everyone who loses in the Game are Losers and deserve what they get. It's a holdover from the 'Trial By Combat' ancient morality, which is still the basis of the modern 'winner/loser' paradigm and capitalism itself.
But this is not the middle ages. This is not royalty vs peasants. The reason the royalty gave up the whole system back then was because peasants were very hard to control. There were far more rebellions under that royalty system than there are 'strikes' now, and far less aristocrats are strung up by the neck by mobs.
They have, I hope, radicalized the people of the world into thinking in new terms...
Slowly, alternatives to capitalistic insanity is coming into focus. Unlike all previous 'isms', the new alternatives are not based upon the old categories and have a far better chance of generating sanity in the Human species.
It important to realize that capitalism, the use of symbols to control everyone's efforts, is a filter system for allowing psychopaths and 'winners' to rise to the top, to control the world if possible. They need no concentration camps, no police state, they need only the money system, and if they want to get rid of people and populations, they make sure they starve. Money, backed by organized men with guns, is the basis of power in the modern world because it can control what people decide to do in all aspects of their lives. For the 'Aristocrats', it was a perfect means of world control. Much better than Fascism or Communism or any other system.
Unfortunately for them, science is constantly finding that the system is fundamentally flawed. Despite their claims, it creates inefficiency on a level never seen before, and creates illusionist results. It cannot take into account what does not fit it, nor adapt to new conditions, so Humanity is facing it's own demise at the largest levels, created by the expedience created only by economics.
Patriotism is not just bullshit symbols and religious idolatry. It's not about war or evangelists or politicians or flags. It's not about supporting the government or mobsters who take power. It's about concern for all the people and preserving their integrity as Human Beings. and only idiots think any country is separate in it's ultimate fate from anyone else. The Universe defines perfection. The only thing wrong with our planet is that what people believe has no correlation to reality.
Friday, April 03, 2009
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About Me

- Roan Carratu
- I dedicated myself to saving the planet back in 1958,after an imaginative vision of the world destroyed by nuclear war. In my 10 year old mind, it made everything I was ever taught suspect, and I vowed to find out what was really true, knowing that only the truth, defined by Universe, would lead to the survival of Humanity and our ecosystem. Despite being sick for more than 15 years, I remain dedicated to that vision and the realizations I had because of it many times in my life. I know what we have to do, but getting people to think about it is very difficult indeed. I continue to try, for what else are our lives for?
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